Blog Entries

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BookPage is Now Available Online

Are you missing picking up the latest edition of BookPage at the library? You can still read the latest book reviews and feature articles from your home. All 2020 BookPage issues are now available for free online. Click here to access the latest editions of BookPage. In addition, BookPage offers ...

8 Books to Read if You Need a Good Cry

Sometimes a good cry can be cathartic, and we all know how important a healthy emotional release can be during these trying times. That’s why I have put together a list of tearjerkers for your perusal. Make sure you have a box of tissues handy before picking any of these stories up. All of thes...

YA series: Extended Escapes to Fill Your Days

Travel and visiting outside your home are being strongly discouraged during this “pause” time, but books are here to help with this challenge!  With a Young Adult series in ebook or audiobook from our digital collection, you can borrow a title and travel to another world or escape the everyday ...


Did you know that hurricane season officially starts in June? Although we usually associate late summer and autumn with peak periods of hurricane activity, now is the time to increase public awareness and understanding of how these potentially dangerous storms can impact us. The National Weather Ser...

Pulitzer Prize Winners Announced

Pulitzer Prizes for Letters (books) are awarded annually to recognize achievements by American authors and poets. This year’s recipients were announced on Monday, May 4. Click here for a complete list of 2020 Pultizer Prize winners in all categories. Listed below are the winners of the categories of...

Great Poetry Books for Kids

Greetings from the Children’s Department!  Since we can’t currently meet with you in person, we wanted to make sure you still had plenty of ways to keep your brain happily occupied, and ebooks are a great way of doing that.  Whether you’re dipping your toes into the world of electronic rea...

I Spy Challenge: Lego Mania

Welcome to Online I Spy! We challenge you to give it a try. When finished, click submit and your entry will be added to a weekly raffle for a small prize, and the puzzle answers will be posted at the end of the week on our Facebook page and website. Have fun! To play, click here. Create an I S...

Young Adult Books in Verse

I know, I know.  Despite the fact that schools are physically closed, remote-learning seems to take more out of you than ever before! There’s hardly enough time in the day to take care of your classwork- forget about reading for fun! check out some of the Young Adult nove...

Voting Made Easier

This is the first in a series of "weblogs" focusing on noteworthy changes and improvements to voter services and resources, in an effort to promote public awareness and usage. Your local Board of Elections has been hard at work making changes, both behind the scenes and frontline, that will enhan...