Snuggle Up With a Chilly YA Book This Winter!

Even though librarians are, at times, something close to magic (or we like to think so), we cannot do anything about the fact that it is officially winter, and the chilly season is upon us.  

What we can do, however, is recommend some great books that will make staying comfy inside with a cushy chair, a hot drink, and a warm blanket all the more appealing.  Below are some winter set titles to get you started on your impromptu indoor read-a-thons, but feel free to visit us in the library, or online through our digital sources, for more great stories to warm up your imagination.



Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw (8th gr. & up)


In the town of Fir Haven, everyone knows to avoid the haunted, mysterious woods on the outskirts of town, and they are consequently wary of the women of the Walker family, who have an eerie, magical connection to those parts.   Nora Walker is used to the rumors and prejudice, but when she discovers a boy in the woods and realizes that he is the one that went missing in a deadly snowstorm weeks ago, she cannot help getting involved.  Together, they try to figure out what happened to him during that period, but the truths they reveal might be more than they can handle.

The Edge of Everything


The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles (9th gr. & up)


Still mourning the loss of her father a year ago, and the more recent disappearance of two beloved neighbors under mysterious circumstances, Zoe can barely believe that she is facing tragedy again, as she and her brother are caught outside in a dangerously intense blizzard and are then attacked by a stranger in the woods.  Just in the nick of time, a bounty hunter named X saves them, and he and Zoe form an instant connection that will pit the two against paranormal forces that seek to tear them apart.

The Tragedy of People


The Tragedy Papers by Elizabeth Laban (9th gr. & up)


The Irving School, an elite boarding school in New York, has a time-honored tradition:  every graduating senior chooses the rising senior who will occupy their former room when school resumes.  Additionally, they are tasked with leaving a memento or treasure for the new occupant.  In Duncan’s new room, he finds a set of recordings that reveal devastating truths about former senior Tim Macbeth, and eerily parallel the path Duncan’s own life is taking in his final year at Irving School.   

Winter's End


Winter’s End by Jean-Claude Mourlevat (8th gr. & up)


Milena, Bartolomeo, Helen, and Minos have risked everything to escape their boarding school, which resembles a government run prison more than anything else.  Fleeing across treacherous icy mountain terrain, they are pursued by a pack of monstrous canine-human hybrids tasked with capturing them no matter what it takes.  The odds are stacked against the teens, but with the goal of escaping so that they can fight against the regime that murdered their parents 15 years earlier, they will not give up without a fight -- to the death if necessary.  Fans of The Hunger Games, take note!



Trapped by Michael Northrop (7th gr. & up)


In a chillingly believable set-up, seven high school students who stay late at school find themselves trapped when an ordinary snowstorm turns into a massive blizzard that prevents any kind of rescue.  Unrelenting snow, lack of food, the eventual disconnect of power and heat, and a claustrophobic feeling affects the small group and the fear is palpable.  Not everyone will survive, and readers will be glued to the pages as they seek to discover what ultimately happens to the teens.

Life As We Knew it



Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer (6th gr. & up)


I’ll confess upfront that including this title on a winter themed list is a bit of a cheat, as it takes place in summer, but bear with me and you’ll see that it actually fits in perfectly.  When a meteor hits the moon, it knocks the moon closer to Earth, setting off a devastating chain of events, including massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and . . . wait for it . . . a catastrophic change in weather that turns summer into the most crippling of winters. (Ta da!) This is a thrill-packed survival adventure story that will have you wondering how you would survive if the same events happened to you.

The Mystery of Hollow Places


The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos (9th gr. & up)


Imogen’s father has disappeared.  The former forensic pathologist turned best-selling mystery author simply vanished one night, leaving only a keepsake that ties back to Imogen’s mother, who left her and her dad when she was just a baby, and hasn’t been heard from since.  Convinced that both disappearances are connected, Imogen decides to mimic her father’s novels, and track her parents down herself.



Peak  by Roland Smith (6th gr. & up)


Peak Marcello is always looking for a challenge, a way to push the boundaries, but when he is caught scaling a skyscraper in New York City, a judge issues him probation, and his mother issues him an ultimatum and sends him off to live with his estranged father in Thailand.  Eager to finally make a connection with his famous mountaineering dad, Peak is thrilled by the proposal that he join his father’s expedition and attempt to become the youngest climber to ever reach the top of Mount Everest.  Soon after embarking, danger mounts, and Peak begins to realize the deadly quest he faces.  How much will his father risk in his attempt to recapture glory through his son?



Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater (9th gr. & up)


As a child, Grace survived a wolf attack, thanks to one wolf in particular -- a yellow-eyed wolf that she has since kept a watch over when he turns up every winter.  When her wolf is wounded and she has to come to his rescue, Grace discovers that there is more to her wild canine than she could ever have expected.  Paranormal romance at its best!


Published by on December 29, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024