Blog Entries

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Great Poetry Books for Kids

Greetings from the Children’s Department!  Since we can’t currently meet with you in person, we wanted to make sure you still had plenty of ways to keep your brain happily occupied, and ebooks are a great way of doing that.  Whether you’re dipping your toes into the world of electronic rea...

I Spy Challenge: Lego Mania

Welcome to Online I Spy! We challenge you to give it a try. When finished, click submit and your entry will be added to a weekly raffle for a small prize, and the puzzle answers will be posted at the end of the week on our Facebook page and website. Have fun! To play, click here. Create an I S...

In the Middle Grades Book Suggestions

Hey there SHPL 9-12 year olds! I know being in the middle of a quarantine, being in the middle of remote learning, and being in the middle of getting cabin fever can be a little frustrating, but on the bright side, you’re in the middle of a great age for literature!   Middle grade books...

A Video to Say We Miss You!

All staff at the South Huntington Library miss seeing our wonderful patrons each day. While we're glad you're all staying safe at home, our Youth Services librarians made a video to let you know how glad you're all staying safe at home, our Youth Services librarians wanted to make you...

I SPY Online: Chicks n' Bunnies

The building is closed, so we've made our I SPY challenge virtual. We challenge you to give it a try.
To play, click here. 
When finished, click submit. Your entry will be added to a weekly raffle for a small prize, and the puzzle answers will be posted at the end of the w...

Stay Tuned for Virtual Programming!

All of the librarians at South Huntington miss getting to see our patrons each day and sharing fun programs with you.  Since we can't see you all in-person right now we are working on some virtual programming.  Stay tuned for more information on virtual storytimes, I Spy and other fun acti...