Stay Home Reading Rush

The biggest readathon in the BookTube community, The Reading Rush (a week-long readathon that takes place every summer), is hosting a shorter, surprise readathon from April 16-19 in order to encourage people to stay inside and read amid the evolving COVID-19 outbreak. 

What is BookTube, you ask? 

The BookTube community is a "book-related section" of YouTube, where videos and entire channels are dedicated exclusively to books and reading. 

But what is a readathon?

A readathon is an event that takes place over a pre-determined period of time where a community of people band together and attempt to read as much as possible and/or dedicate the majority of their free time to reading in the alloted timeframe. Unlike a read-a-long, the readathon isn't centered around the same reading material. You don't have to be reading the same books as everyone else. In fact, you can read anything you like. The readathon connects readers not through a choice of book, but through a time frame in which all readers participating in it will be reading as much as possible - and all at (virtually) the same time. 

What are the terms of participation?

There are none! There are no specified criteria that you have to fulfill in order to participate in the Reading Rush. The only things you'll really need are books and/or a reading device, a willingness to set time apart for reading, and hopefully an internet connection to be able to get the full Reading Rush experience.

So I can read anything I want?

Yes! The beauty of readathons in general is that you set your own TBR (to-be-read) pile! You can choose to read one book, or you can set yourself a goal of five books. Graphic novels count! Audiobooks count! There are no restrictions.

There are, however, official Reading Rush challenges. These challenges are a non-obligatory part of the readathon, but something that narrows the choice of reading material slightly, and makes it more challenging (as the name suggests), for those who choose to partake in them. So you don't have to participate in the challenges in order to participate in the Reading Rush... but it's just so much more fun if you do!

So before you start picking out the books that you intend to read during the Reading Rush, take a minute to consider the challenges and perhaps tailor your TBR in such a way that you meet some of those criteria.

Reading Challenges:

First and foremost - the aim is to read as much as you can during the readathon so there are no winners where the challenges are concerned. There is nothing to be won, but the sheer delight in knowing that you've completed a challenge. You can also double up on challenges and use the same book for more than one prompt. Whatever works best for you!

The reading challenges are;

1. Read a book with a house on the cover. 

2. Read a book in the same room the whole time. 

3. Read a book set somewhere you wish you could go. 

4. Read a book that will make you smile. 

To learn more about the Stay Home Reading Rush check out this video created by Ariel Bisset (the host of the readathon) as well as all the official social media accounts linked down below: 





Stay home and happy reading!

Published by on April 16, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024