April 2023 - New Books

April showers bring….great new books to enjoy! Use this list of new releases to plan your spring reading!

Jennifer Robson. Coronation Year 

As we await the coronation of King Charles III in May, you may be interested in reading this fictional account which follows the owner and three very different residents of the Blue Lion Hotel as London prepares to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

Charles Frazier. The Trackers

From the author of Cold Mountain. Commissioned to create a mural representing Dawes, Wyoming, for their new Post Office, Val Welch, a painter in Depression-era America, stays with a wealthy art lover, his wife and a mysterious elder cowboy where he turns up secrets that could spark formidable changes for all of them.

Mary-Louise Kelly. It. Goes. So. Fast: The Year of No Do-Overs

A longtime NPR Reporter discusses how childhood has an expiration date and how it is easy to lose sight of the ticking clock while working and putting off the important things, like attending soccer games and other rites of childhood.

Brendan Slocumb. Symphony of Secrets

When he is asked to authenticate a newly discovered piece from famed 20th-century composer Frederick Delaney, Bern Hendricks uncovers clues that indicate Delaney may have had help composing his most successful work, which makes him a target of a powerful organization that will stop at nothing to keep its secret hidden.

Susan Patterson. Things I Wish Told My Mother

When Laurie, a nomadic artist, surprises her mother, an elegant perfectionist, with a dream vacation to Paris, which brings an unexpected sparkle to her eyes, mother and daughter unpack a lifetime of secrets and hopes in the City of Light.

Emily Henry. Happy Place

Despite breaking up months earlier, a picture-perfect couple still haven't told their friends about the split and attempt to pretend they are still together at an annual Maine getaway, in the new novel from the best-selling author of Book Lovers.

Sally Hepworth. The Soulmate

When her husband becomes a local hero, saving person after person from ending their lives until one night he doesn't, Pippa discovers he knew the victim and wonders if she jumped or was pushed: a question that cracks the foundations of the life they've built.

Check our curated list here.  


Published by on April 03, 2023
Last Modified July 16, 2024