100 Books Before Graduation

100 Books Before Graduation is a reading initiative for teens to read 100 books before they graduate from high school. You can register the summer before 6th grade, but all students currently in the South Huntington district in grades 6-12 are encouraged to join as well. And we’ve got some cool prizes for you to earn along the way.

  1. Register! Sign up for the challenge on the Young Adult homepage for the South Huntington Public Library. If you already have a Beanstack account from our summer or winter reading challenges, you can just log in to add this challenge.
  2. Read!  100 books may seem like a lot, but you can count books you are reading for school or our reading challenges.  Please remember, you can not use anything you read before you registered for this challenge. We have also put together a suggested reading list to get started.
  3. Prizes! Stop by the library after every 20 books and you’ll receive a prize. 
  4. Complete! Finish logging in 100 books read and you receive a certificate, a star in the YA Library and a portable power bank with cord!

After you sign up for the challenge you can immediately start logging in your books.  The challenge ends when you complete 100 books or you graduate from high school, whichever comes first.

Quick Facts

You do not have to read from the suggested reading list.  Just read what is most comfortable and appropriate for you.  Listening to books, fiction, nonfiction, eBooks and graphic novels work too!

Why Read? It can broaden your vocabulary, improve your writing skills and help raise your test scores.  And you can get cool stuff!

What are the Prizes?

Every 20 books you log in earns you a prize:

  • 20 Books:  LED Light-Up Flashing Bracelets
  • 40 Books: Watercolor Stress Ball
  • 60 Books: Graffiti Drawstring Bag
  • 80 Books: Plush Emoji
  • 100 Books: Portable Power Bank, certificate of completion and a star on the YA Library Wall of Fame!
100 Books Prizes


Published by on January 14, 2022
Last Modified July 16, 2024