October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have provided some resources both online and at our library. Whether you or a loved one are worried about developing breast cancer, have just been diagnosed, are going through breast cancer treatment, or are trying to stay well after treatment, this information may help you find the answers you need.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


American Cancer Society

Medline Plus


SHPL Reference eBooks:

The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: A Guide to Cancer and Its Treatments

Comprehensive survey of cancers, cancer drugs, traditional and alternative treatments, side effects and diagnostic procedures.

The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests

Provides coverage of numerous surgical procedures, medical tests and related topics, such as anesthetics, common lab tests and procedures, medications and postoperative care.


Books and eBooks

Breast Cancer Clear & Simple : All Your Questions Answered / from the experts at the American Cancer Society.

From the experts at the American Cancer Society, this easy-to-understand book guides patients through the important decisions they'll need to make, from diagnosis through treatment. It helps women with breast cancer and their caregivers know what to expect, what to do, and how to get through what can be an overwhelming, life-changing experience. This edition includes tips for choosing the right doctor, understanding treatment choices, dealing with the effects of treatment, seeking support groups, and much more. A list of specific resources for patients, as well as a glossary of terms related to breast cancer, is also included. Also available as an eBook

Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction : What's Right For You / by Patricia Anstett

This book offers a true picture of what breast reconstruction entails, and offers hope to those facing it. This is a book to help women with a variety of issues surrounding their choices, with powerful insights from women who have been there. Also available as an eBook

The Breast Cancer Book : A Trusted Guide for You and Your Loved Ones / by Kenneth D. Miller MD, Melissa Camp, MD., MPH with Kathy Steligo

Written by experts, this multi-disciplinary book walks you through everything you need to know about breast cancer so that you can make the best decision about diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. Also available as an eBook

Twisting Fate : My Journey with BRCA -- from Breast Cancer Doctor to Patient and Back / by Pamela N Munster, MD

Weaving together her personal story with her team’s groundbreaking research on the BRCA gene, Twisting Fate is an inspiring guide to living with BRCA mutations. With authority, insight, and compassion, Dr. Munster uses her voice to create a safe space for genuine healing and honesty. Also available as an eBook


Published by on October 05, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024