Library of Congress Releases Mobile App for Digital Collection Access

Last month, the Library of Congress (LOC) in celebration of the 220th anniversary of its founding (April 24, 2020), launched the LOC Collections app that provides access to the Library’s vast digital collection. 

The collection includes audio recordings, books, videos, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, notated music, periodicals, photos, prints and drawings. Besides being able to browse and search the collection, users can create their own personal galleries from the Library of Congress’ amazing collection of audio-visual materials for their own reference and share their curations with others. 

What better way to commemorate 220 years of the Library of Congress and (the world’s largest library!) than by carrying its collections in your pocket?!

Currently, the app can be found for iPhone and iPad via the LOC website or the App store. An Android version of the app will be released later in 2020. 

Published by on May 26, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024